Tell them about amber, metal and life
Exposition au Musée du Bijou Contemporain
Du 29 juin au 8 décembre

To coincide with the Lithuanian Season in France, 12 Lithuanian artists will be showcased in the showcases of the Musée du Bijou Contemporain, featuring works created between 1990 and the present day, from the collections of the Lithuanian National Art Museum and the artists themselves.

The exhibition, whose title is inspired by Matthias Enard’s novel “Parle-leur de batailles, de rois et d’éléphants” (Tell them about battles, kings and elephants), which recounts Michelangelo’s construction of a bridge in Constantinople, aims to build an artistic bridge between Lithuania and France, by revealing the art of contemporary Lithuanian jewelry and its trends since Independence.

The jewelry, composed mainly of metal and amber, tells stories of Lithuanian life and shows how artists interact with social, political and cultural developments. Their creations reflect on Lithuanian society through the prism of jewelry.

Tell them about amber metal and life

Exhibition of contemporary Lithuanian jewelry
June 29 to December 8
Musée du Bijou contemporain – Espace Solidor

Exhibition curators: Jurgita Ludavičienė, Olga Zobel-Biro.
Organizers: Lithuanian National Museum of Art, Museum of Contemporary Jewellery.
Participating artists: Birutė Stulgaitė, Sigitas Virpilaitis, Vita Pukštaitė-Bružė, Eimantas Ludavičius, Benas Staškauskas, Karina Kazlauskaitė, Eglė Čėjauskaitė-Gintalė, Šarūnė Žygienė, Solveiga and Alfredas Krivičiai, Ieva Grigienė, Paulius Rukas.

Exhibition of a photograph by Simone Simon
“Curonian Spit – 2012
represented by Galerie Eva Vautier